Lent is a period of 40 days before Easter.  Throughout history, Christians have spent this time reflecting on their sin and the suffering that Christ did on their behalf.  Many will give up something to acknowledge the sacrifice that Jesus made for them.  The goal is to prepare their hearts to celebrate Good Friday and Easter.

During Lent 2019, CrossWay participated in a sermon series called, Christ is our ___________.  Each week, we will answer the question: What did Christ’s life, death and resurrection accomplish? 

The simple answer is Jesus came to bring salvation to those who believe in him.  This is true.  If we look closely at scripture, we see that there are different facets to what Christ accomplished.  Each of these are very important because they impact our relationship with God, one another and the world around us.

Sermon Audio Files and Resources: 

If you missed a week, don’t worry you can download the individual sermons here. Just click on the sermons files below to open up the MP3 file or right click on it to save it to your computer.

Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Christ is our

Bible Text: Philippians 2:5-11 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Christ is our

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