It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship equals inevitable pain. One unkind word, careless act, or intentional attack, and a gulf is opened that could potentially damage a relationship forever.

That’s where the need for real, biblical forgiveness comes in. Forgiveness can begin to heal our damaged relationships and help us to move forward in life with less emotional baggage.

The problem is that many people don’t understand what forgiveness really looks like. It is hard to incorporate it into their lives. This series will teach us what the Bible says about forgiveness and share practical steps we can take to begin to forgive others.

Please join us for this sermon series! It runs Sunday March 27 – May 1, 2016 at CrossWay Church!

Sermon Audio Files and Resources: 

If you missed a week, don’t worry you can download the individual sermons here. Just click on the sermons files below to open up the MP3 file or right click on it to save it to your computer.

Bible Text: Romans 5:1-11 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Forgiveness: Letting Go Of The Hurts We Carry It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship…
Bible Text: Matthew 5:23-26 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Forgiveness: Letting Go Of The Hurts We Carry It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship…
Bible Text: Romans 12:17-21 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Forgiveness: Letting Go Of The Hurts We Carry It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship…
Bible Text: Matthew 18:15-17 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Forgiveness: Letting Go Of The Hurts We Carry It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship…
Bible Text: 1 Peter 4:7-11 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Forgiveness: Letting Go Of The Hurts We Carry It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one…
Bible Text: Psalm 73 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Forgiveness: Letting Go Of The Hurts We Carry It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship…
Bible Text: Matthew 18:21-35 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Forgiveness: Letting Go Of The Hurts We Carry It’s the simple mathematics of being human. Two people plus one relationship…

Recommended Reading: