Jesus’ Powerful Prayers for Us.


Is praying ever a struggle? Do you wonder what you should say to God?

Why not start with the prayers of Jesus?  In the final week of Christ’s life, He prays some pretty important prayers.

We will examine these prayers in this short 3 week series on Jesus High Priestly Prayer found in John 17.   We will learn how they can serve as a great model of prayer for.  More importantly, we will learn how the truths He communicates in these prayers can impact our lives!

Sermon Audio Files and Resources: 

If you missed a week, don’t worry you can download the individual sermons here. Just click on the sermons files below to open up the MP3 file or right click on it to save it to your computer.

Is praying ever a struggle? Do you wonder what you should say to God? Why not start with the prayers of Jesus?  In the final week of Christ’s life, He…
Is praying ever a struggle? Do you wonder what you should say to God? Why not start with the prayers of Jesus?  In the final week of Christ’s life, He…
Is praying ever a struggle? Do you wonder what you should say to God? Why not start with the prayers of Jesus?  In the final week of Christ’s life, He…

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