Enduring the Forge of Suffering: Weeping in the Midst of Suffering (Part 3)
May 4, 2014

Enduring the Forge of Suffering: Weeping in the Midst of Suffering (Part 3)

Passage: Psalm 13
Service Type:

Bible Text: Psalm 13 | Preacher: Brad Vos | Series: Enduring the Forge of Suffering

We all suffer at some time and in some way!
How have you suffered?  May be you have lost loved ones – a parent, a child, a family member or friend.  Others face debilitating physical ailments or difficult circumstances at work or at home.
Did this suffering make you stronger or weaker?  It seems that suffering is not neutral.  It either refines us and makes us stronger or destroy us or those we love.  Suffering has the ability to totally rearrange our lives and  cause us to question everything.
CrossWay Church will explore how and why we suffering in a new sermon series called, Enduring the Forge of Suffering.  As we examine what the Bible teaches, we will learn how God walks with us in the pain and how we can we orient ourselves toward Him so that suffering changes us for the better rather than for the worse.

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