What is the church?
Webster’s Dictionary defines as:
1) A building used for public Christian worship.
2) A particular Christian organization, typically one with its own clergy, buildings, and distinctive doctrines
Others may think that church is some boring thing people attend on a Sunday morning.
At CrossWay Church, we believe that church is a community of believers on a mission together. In this new sermon series, we will answer definte what exactly a church is and should be. We also answer three even more important questions.
*What is the point of the church?
*What is the purpose of the church?
*How does it benefit me?
Listen to the sermons below the answers may surprise you.
What is the point of church? (Hebrews 10:19-25) by Brad Vos
Why worship (Psalm 95)? by Brad Vos
Embracing Christ (Philippians 2) by Devin Bowen
Loving Others (Romans 12) by Brad Vos
Serving Our World (Romans 12) by Brad Vos
Why have Church Membership? (Ephesians 2:11-22) by Brad Vos
What is Church Discipline? What is the point? (Matthew 18:15-17) by Brad Vos
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