Life is hard and it can often feel overwhelming!
We can feel busy, tired, stressed out, and stretched to the limit. We can feel like we are being pulled in every direction-family, work, children, finances and relationships. We are running long on “to do’s” and short on time.
When life feels this way, you need true wisdom to find balance. Unfortunately this is hard to find!
The world overflows with information, data and knowledge, but you find precious little wisdom. Wisdom is what you desperately need when faced with a challenge at work, with your finances, a problem at home with your kids or in your marriage, a conflict with friends or a crisis within yourself.
However, there is hope! Learn about this wisdom in our 9 week series Making Life Work!
The book of Proverbs was written to help us learn and understand godly wisdom. It helps us see clearly the consequences of different courses of action and to point us in the direction God desires for us to live. Each week,CrossWay Church will explore what the book of Proverbs teaches on individual topics that are important to you -work, family, friends, relationships, money, time (priorities), faith, etc.!
Sermon Audio Files and Resources:
If you missed a week, don’t worry you can download the individual sermons here. Just click on the sermons files below to open up the MP3 file or right click on it to save it to your computer. We have also listed different books that we recommend for further learning on some of the individual topics.
Week 1 (September 29): Wisdom
Sermon: What is wisdom? Why is it important? (Proverbs 8)
Week 2 (October 6): Growing in Wisdom
Sermon: How do we grow in wisdom? (Proverbs 3)
Week 3 (October 13): Time
Sermon: How can we be wise with our time? (Proverbs 6:6-11 and Proverbs 24:27-34)
Recommended Books On Time:
- Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem by Kevin DeYoung
- Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald
- The Busy Christian’s Guide to Busyness by Tim Chester
Week 4 (October 20): Self Control
Sermon: How self control leads to wisdom. (Proverbs 18:10-11, 23:9-21, 25:28.)
Recommended Resources On Self Control:
- Explosive Power of a New Affection by Thomas Chalmers (Sermon by Puritan Pastor)
- Ted Talk by Kelly McGonigal (not a Christian presentation, but communicates how forgiveness is essential to grow self control.)
Week 5 (October 27): Friendship
Sermon: How can we be wise with friends?
Recommended Books On Friendship:
- Four Loves by C.S. Lewis
- Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change (Resources for Changing Lives) by Paul David Tripp
Week 6 (November 3): Dealing With Relational Conflict
Sermon: How to deal with relational conflict?
Recommended Books On Forgiveness and Relational Conflict:
- Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don’t Deserve (Plus) by Lewis Smedes
- The Art of Forgiving by Lewis Smedes
Week 7 (November 10): Criticism & Correction
Sermon: How to handle criticism and correction wisely?
Recommended Books On Criticism and Correction:
- Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change (Resources for Changing Lives) by Paul David Tripp
- Giving Criticism God’s Way Handout
Week 8 (November 17): Work
Sermon: How to work wisely! (Sorry this sermon was not recorded due to technical difficulties.)
Recommended Books On Work:
- Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work by Tim Keller
- Work Matters: Connecting Sunday Worship to Monday Work by Tom Nelson
- Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labor by Ben Witherington
Week 9 (November 24): Our Words
Sermon: How to speak wisely!
Recommended Books On Speaking Wisely:
- War of Words: Getting to the Heart of Your Communication Struggles (Resources for Changing Lives) by Paul David Tripp
- The Power of Words and the Wonder of God by John Piper and Justin Taylor