Embracing Christ, Loving Others and Serving Our World.

These three phrases are foundational to who CrossWay Church wants to be.

Embracing Christ, Loving Others and Serving Our World. These three phrases define the type of church CrossWay Church wants to be.  We not only strive to live out these values corporately through our LifeLink Groups and local service projects, but we want our members to apply them personally to their own lives as well.  We believe that these three values build on each other. Applying them to our lives helps us to move towards the thrilling life that God has created for us.

Embracing Christ Core Value

Embracing Christ:

Because we are broken people, God calls each of us to a life long journey of transformation that involves embracing Christ.  God has spoken to the world about Christ and revealed his guidance for our lives through the Bible.  Thus, we want to be a community that is committed to God’s truth as our ultimate authority. We believe that as we learn more about Christ and the Bible, God’s Spirit enables his followers to understand his truth and apply it to their lives.  In this process, we are changed.

Loving Other Core Value

Loving Others:

God calls us to love others.  He changes lives through loving relationships.  In our journey of faith, we experience community as we begin a relationship with Christ, and spend time with other Christ-followers. In this community of faith, relationships are developed, and deepened.  It is a safe place to bring our hurts, dreams, fears, doubts, and joys.  We are changed through sharing these things while being loved by others.

Serving Our World Core Value

Serving Our World:

Our community of faith believes serving our world is the natural combination of embracing Christ and loving others.  Thus, living faith shows itself in neighborly expressions of mercy and compassion.  We want to help each member put to use their individual gifts and passions in order to be agents of change and redemption in this world.