Who is Jesus? This is a question many people wonder. Luke set out to find out. He interviewed many eyewitnesses and people who served along side Jesus. The Gosepl of Luke is his detailed answer to that question.  By studying this ordered account of our Savior Jesus Christ, we hope to know Him more too.

Sermon Audio Files and Resources: 

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Jesus heals a mute man. Many people are amazed. Some are skeptical and demand more signs. Others claims he is and agent of Satan.  Jesus points out the flaws of…
Jesus's disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Jesus taught them a God centered and church focused prayer.
Martha started with a spirit of service. The tasks at hand drug her heart away. She began to compare herself to Mary and get frustrated with Jesus. Jesus redirects her…
An expert of the law asks Jesus "How do inherit eternal life?" and "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus's parable of the Good Samaritan answers both of those questions. It is…
Jesus is overjoyed at the actions of the Father and the disciples privilege.
Jesus sends his followers on a mission to spread his gospel message. He challenges their motivation when they return.
Jesus begins his journey to Jerusalem and faces rejection from the Samaritans. He also engages with three individuals and lays out the cost of discipleship.

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